Two months in

Hello to the old and new readers!

Welcome to my first additional blog. As I have mentioned in my previous, set blogs, there will be more post in addition to the set ones on Saturday (the storyteller’s journey) and Sunday (tea time talk).

Though I have been saying that for a month or so now, and haven’t really posted anything so far… I say better late than never!.

2fab1be7f595a58815389c0ff90ca1fbNow, as I’ve mentioned before, these additional pieces won’t have a set date or time of release, as the one on Saturday and Sunday do, but do expect more every week as I get into blogging more and finding my own voice.


It has been two months now since I first started blogging, with the first month having been taken over by me getting into the rhythm of producing content, as I also started a YouTube channel around the same time. It has been a bit of a struggle after taking it slow for about six months, having spent that time focusing on myself and improving my mental health (I really hadn’t been in a good place) for three months, as well as spending another three trying to figure out where I really want to go in life, as well as attempting (and succeeding) to finish the final draft of my book, just the beginning.

When the end of December had come around I had started implementing ideas and jumping into actually producing things, and by January I had started posting and continually producing the mix of content. It had taken sometimes to settle in with the new way of life (as well as dealing with the problems of life itself), after not having so much to focus on as I had, but I have been getting into the pattern of it, with small bumps in the road.

By the beginning of this month, I had settled in a little, though there were things still out of order that I needed to get all together.

And as I got further into this month I can honestly say I really wanted to start blogging more. Instead of just posting set blogs twice a week, I wanted to post whenever I felt like. Ideas for post started to appear as I thought more about it during and so there is so much more I wish to talk!

So get ready for a whole load of crazy, but thoughtful, piece in this blog, mind of mine!
