Youtube Tales: Mariv Arts collab!

The little Alien (half and half collab – past) (PWaT EP5 2017)


Hi! guys! I know I am supposed to be playing catch up on blogs but I felt I needed to post this before I continue, to go up with the actual video, as if I do it later the thoughts won’t be fresh 😛

As you can tell, today I am going to talk about the BTSs of my first ever collab with Mariv Arts! and Yes, I noticed I spelt and said the same wrong in the video – I don’t know why I did that though, since I kept referring back to the video, but it seems my mind just mixed up the letter still :/ though that is not unusual for me 😛 its why I hate reading out loud. in long passages, I tend to mix words from three different sentences into one.

Also, note – sorry about my nails in this video – one hand is done in black henna and the other in brown/orange. Also, I told my mom to do my right hand since that is my dominant hand and I don’t have much control and strength in my left hand and she overlined my nails, saying that it made them look bigger. I told her not to that, as she was doing them but she continued doing it anyway as that’s my mom, never one to listen to suggestions 😛

Now back to the art. Before I explain how to collab works, I thought I would talk a bit about my collaboration partner.


Mariv arts is an artist I have been following on youtube for a while now, who creates amazing watercolor and mixed media pieces. They do a range of fan work that is interesting to watch and their personal style is my all time favorite! They inspired me to stick with my watercolors and I have gotten to a stage when I can actually produce a piece that looks decent! Along with this their editing skills have inspired me to step up my game with editing, so look out for more stylistic videos!

But as for now, go watch the heck out their videos, and don’t forget to like and subscribe! You won’t regret it 😛 instead, you will be thanking me for introducing you 🙂

So make sure to click here and check out their channel!

Now, about this collab! This idea came about after we threw some collab ideas around. Mariv arts showed me an example video of a collab she would be interested in doing which is this one:

In the video, they do a half and half style collab – this is where each artist has created one version or side of something. In the case of the video, it is above and bellows sea. In our case though, it is the past and future of a character.

As we talked about this collab, I suggested that we lean towards a story idea, as I am a storyteller and my channel leans towards all types of storytelling. So we decided to create a short story through a sequence of putting one sentence forward, then the other continues it and so on,  until we had each given four sentences each, and had come to a sort of conclusion.

The story we came about then was the following:

  1. The little alien came to earth by accident.
  2. First, she was lost but then came to learn how to blend in with human society as predators hunt her down.
  3. The people that lived around that area said that amazing and extraordinary things happened there for like, no reason, and thought that these things were done by spirits.
  4. They were a superstitious lot, the main reason why she settled around there – anything going wrong as she learned to settle was not read into much.
  5. People said, that sometimes they could see a thing glow in the woods at night.
  6. Others say they can hear music not of this world, drawing them into the depths of the woods, where no sane person would wonder.
  7.  And the scent, a scent so sweet that could only be compared to million roses, but to the surprise of the tourists, who have heard the stories, no roses could be found growing there.
  8. At least, none there dared to walk further into the forest to find some for fear of disturbing the sound, until one man arrived, too curious to stay away and to drawn to the mystery to pass over it


When creating this artwork, as you can see in the video, I had tried to work on an A4 sized paper, but halfway through I realized I used to much paper and shifted back to my A5 sheets. Because they are small, it forced me to use a smaller brush, which doesn’t use as much water; meaning less chance of running my work.

I feel I need to go over water control better before I work on doing large watercolor pieces unless the large piece is filled with small details. It is only when I need to cover a large surface do I lose control of the amount of water I have put down and overworked the paper.

I think I may work on such in a sketchbook video soon! So look out for that!

Before going on to the smaller version, I scanned the sketch and shrunk its size before printing on a setting that is the appropriate size for my card. It took a couple of tries, but I got the right size and did my usual transfer of screen.

At first, though, I was trying to avoid starting against. Deciding to put the larger piece aside was a bit difficult, to say the least 😛 I didn’t want to waste paper, and I am a strong believer that anything in art that you think is wrong, can be fixed and made right. But the piece was not going in the right direction with the paper breaking and creasing, as well as the fact that the colors I used where blending and creating another color since I hadn’t waited and created layers.

So after telling myself, I need to do better for the other artist, I used the first attempt as a proper color trial – something I hadn’t done before as I thought I had the colors clear in my mind, but they obviously weren’t clear enough. 😛


When thinking on how to edit this video, I was slightly confused. I wanted to kind of stylized this video, and include an extract to a surprise addition to this collab – an extended short story I created based on our quick back and forth story (for which you can find here (coming soon))

But after talking to Mariv art we decided to each implement half of the story outline we created with our back and forth in the video and so I went with that instead.

More on that extra short story!:

pwat b

As you can see in the video, I decided to place this video in my picture with a tale series – a series where I create original art to go along with original tales. And so as, as I’ve said, an extra to this collab, I decided I would create a two-part short story. Part one is of ‘the little alien‘ when she is a child, as represented in my art, which should be on Vocal (a website I plan on doing a review on soon! so look out for that) soon. There is a twelve-ish hour run through a period of sorts, where they check if the work has been copied and meets their standards.

Part 2 to the tale, I shall be posting after I have watched Marvis arts video, and I shall use their art as inspiration for this part! It should hopefully be out in two to three days (I try to remember to come back to link you guys to it :P)


And that is all for now! Phew! that was a lot! Haha

Do make sure to check out Marivs art video as well as mine! And be sure to check out the story behind the tales!

I shall be back with more catch-up blogs soon! but as for now, this storyteller is out!





Prompt Piece ^_^ – Run (#8)

Run, run, run,  but I will still catch you… I always will…

His words played in her head; a constant never ending tape on reply.

Run, run, run, but I will find you… I always will…

It was his final warning, as she made her final leap. From one land to another, over the gorge of death; over the fear of falling; over the impossible.

Run, run, run, but I will get you… I always will…

From one life to another; from one time to another. He never left, he never stopped.

Run, run-

“No! Now it’s your turn to run!” She screamed stubbornly, as she lifted the ready weapon “Now it’s your turn to fear


Remeber to join in the comments!

Youtube Tales: Full pencil art and idea process (^_^)

Full pencil art (and idea process – vlog style)

full pencil thumnail

Hi guys! I am back with a catch-up blog of the behind the scenes of the video I posted for VEBD (video every business day) 😛

I had planned to work and post at least one every day, but the last couple of days have been busy with people coming in and out of the house, as well as trying to work on a collab video at the same time and planning/implementing some new ideas new editing tactics for more stylized videos.

But don’t worry, I plan on getting back on track with these blogs hopefully before we get too deep into July.


Now on to the video of the blog – my first full pencil art video!

Now, this was a funny video created! It had come about in a spur-of-the-moment kind of way when I wasn’t in the mood to do anything planned. At the time I had just wished to draw whatever came to mind with a few reference images. But as I went along I randomly decided to add the vlog style idea process/sequence you see at the beginning of the video, which people seem to have really taken too.

This is one of the things I hope to implement in my later videos as this was just one style of forming ideas. I thought it would be fun to showcase multiple ideas in future videos to present how I am inspired to create. though this isn’t something that happens for all my art, as I have multiple ways of getting ideas, (and sometimes I will already have an idea in my mind before I set down to plan) it is definitely something to look forward to. I think I will defiantly try to do this more though since this sort of spontaneous picture was fun to do 🙂

Also, as I mentioned, I had gone into this video not really wanting to create anything that I had preplanned and I had had no idea of what I had wished to do. I had only known I was leaning towards something music based. Hence why you see me drawing music reference images in the videos along with anime art for inspiration – anime style art because I tend to draw in that style and was in the mood to do something of that style rather than realism or any other style.

So to start, after I had gathered the images, I had created a sort of mood board, something they used to tell us to do in art class when I was in secondary school, but I had never really understood why till I created this video. 😛

Why that is? Becuase, as I mentioned befoe, I have multiple creations/idea processes, one of which is simply already forming an idea in my mind not because of art but because of stories or thoughts I’ve had today, which makes it hard to make a mood board thing with as they weren’t exactly images. And I don’t think I was allowed to copy and paste short extract and such, as forms of inspiration.

In the end, this is the mood board ( I am calling it this but I am not even sure this is what they should  be called 😛 ) I ended up with:

full pencil art ideas

In the video you can see, I had changed the art to grayscale as it helped with noting shadows and shades which I can replicate with pencil since that is, of course, gray scale 😛

I really enjoyed this process of a full art I one medium. I am so used to sticking with using multiple mediums as one can over the flaws with the others, it kind of became a safe zone. One of the reasons for doing these full arts was to explore the mediums to the fullest, something I held of from when doing mixed media. I simply stuck with the basics of each medium, using them to compliment each other rather than stretch them.  It was a way to kind of avoid wastage of both time and resources.

Overall I love this piece, there are definitely points where I can improve, but that is with all my art 😛

one of this thing I definitely wish I could have done differently is the butterflies. They were just too simple in my opinion. and too cartoonish.

thumbnail_scan30052017190928_0031.jpg     thumbnail_scan30052017190928_003.jpg

But I loved the flowers,  something I have more experience drawing and shading.


This was definitely a relaxing and interesting video to make.  I think I want to do more of this but in a more of a realistic style. 🙂

Editing wise, this video was late in the making. At first, it refused to transfer and I couldn’t figure out why! Then my battery decided to start dying on me, which meant I could only make four videos that week.  But thankfully that was the only bump in the road.  It was the only time during the month I actually missed a day, but I made up for it with an extra video at the end of the month. Though I had originally planned to put the extra video at the end of that week, it seemed not possible, hence why it was moved.

and that is all for now! I hope you enjoyed, sorry if this seems a little choppy, I am working on a short story as I write this as well, due for tomorrow and so I need to hurry!

I hope you enjoyed!

Now and this storyteller is out!



Prompt Piece ^_^ – Mercy (#8)

Show them mercy,

even if you don’t want to.

Show them a different way,

then the one they are jumping on to.


Thanks for reading! (^_^) Do join in in the comments with your own response in any form you like!

Going to try and post these more often now that I am almost done with my month of youtube videos every business day!


The Mercy Series (Rebecca Lim) Book review (^


(There may be some spoiler, you have been warned, though I will attempt to keep them out 🙂 )



Genre: Paranormal ya Fantasy Mystery

Number of books:  5 

noun: mercy plural noun: mercies
  1. compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm.: “the boy was screaming and begging for mercy” “the mercies of God”.
  2. synonyms: leniency, clemency, compassion, grace, pity, charity, forgiveness, forbearance, quarter, humanity, soft-heartedness, tender-heartedness, kindness, sympathy, liberality, indulgence, tolerance, generosity, magnanimity, beneficence
  3. antonyms: ruthlessness, cruelty
exclamation: mercy
  1. used in expressions of surprise or fear.: ““Mercy me!” uttered Mrs. Garfield”.

 Click here to view books on Goodreads

Book 1: Mercy



Mercy wakes on a school bus bound for Paradise, a small town where everyone knows everyone else’s business… Or thinks they do. But Mercy has a secret life. She is an angel, doomed to return repeatedly to Earth, taking on a new human form each time she does, in an effort to resolve a cataclysmic rift between heavenly beings.

In Paradise, Mercy meets Ryan, an eighteen-year-old whose sister has kidnapped two years ago and is presumed dead. When another girl is also taken, Mercy knows she has to act quickly and use extraordinary powers to rescue her, even if it means exposing her true identity.

An electric combination of angels, mystery, and romance, Mercy is the first book in a major new series.

Book 2: Exile



Longlist, 2011 David Gemmell Legend Award

An electric combination of angels, mystery, and romance, EXILE is the breathtaking sequel to MERCY in a major new paranormal romance series.

There’s something very wrong with me. When I wake up, I could be anyone…

An angel in exile, Mercy is doomed to return repeatedly to Earth, taking on a new human form each time she does. Now she “wakes” as unhappy teen Lela, a girl caring for a dying mother but never herself.

As her shattered memory begins to return, Mercy remembers Ryan, the boy she fell in love with in another life, and Luc, the angel haunting her dreams. Will Mercy risk Lela’s life to be reunited with her heart’s true desire?

An electric combination of angels, mystery, and romance, Exile is the second book in the spellbinding MERCY series.

Book 3: Muse



An angel in exile, caught between lives … and loves

Mercy is an angel, exiled from heaven, and when she wakes in the body of nineteen-year-old Irina, Mercy discovers that she′s one of the world’s most infamous supermodels on the verge of a very public breakdown.

Against the glamorous background of Milan′s opulent fashion world, Mercy continues her increasingly desperate search for Ryan Daley, the mortal boy she remembers falling for in a past life. But this time, Mercy′s memories and powers are growing ever stronger – and she begins to doubt the pleas of her dream lover, Luc, as more of her mysterious past is revealed. Are Luc′s desires as selfless as her own or does he want her for a more terrifying purpose?

The grand scale celestial battle for Mercy′s soul builds to an incredible stormy crescendo as archangels and demons clash in a cataclysmic showdown that not all will survive …


Book 4: Fury



Hell hath no fury like an angel scorned…

Heartbreak. Vengeance. Truth. Betrayal.

Everything that has happened to Mercy over millennia has made her who she is. Now she and The Eight wage open war with Luc and his demons, and the earth is their battlefield.

Ryan’s love for Mercy is more powerful than ever, her guiding light in the hour of darkness. But the very love that sustains her, now places Ryan in mortal danger.

Two worlds collide as Mercy approaches her ultimate breathtaking choice.

Hell hath no fury like Mercy …



First: can we talk about how beautiful these covers are?

And these are just the UK versions if what I read is correct. Check out the US:

mercy serie completa



Now, this is usually the point where I describe the characters looks and such, but I feel I should leave that all to the writer who describes how her character looks with such depth and dedication, I feel there is no need for me to do so.

But I will post a short extract on the main character for you to get a hint of how she does it.

Main characters:


  • Described as:

‘ I look sixteen. Sometimes I even feel it.

Me? The real me? I’m tall. Though I only have a sense of that.

I’m pale, like milk, but I never get sunburn. Don’t ask me how I know this, seeing as I don’t seem to occupy any physical space at the present time,. Bu I just know.

My hair is brown. Not a nice brown or an ugly one, just brown. It’s weird but it has no highlights. It’s all the same color, every single strand straight, even and perfectly the same. It hands down just past my shoulders and frames my face nicely, which is over and okay, I suppose. I have a long straight nose, lips that are neither too thin nor too wide, and perfect eyesight. I can see for miles through sunshine or moonlight, rain or fog. Oh and my eyes? They’re a brown too.’

  • Doesn’t know her real name
  • Frequently placed in humans but doesn’t really know why.


Ryan Daley:

  • In love with Mercy
  • Could be Lucs twin
  • Black hair
  • Brown eyes
  • Tall
  • Broad shouldered
  • Snake-hipped
  • Dressed in jeans top and a leather jacket he first met Mercy in and refuses to give up (#swoon)


  • Hair  of gold  cropped close
  • Sleek winged brows of darker gold
  • Pale eyes
  • Golden skin
  • Tall
  • Broad shouldered
  • Snake-hipped
  • Flawless (not that I think so)
  • Mouth always in a shape both cruel and amused
  • Long and lean
  • Eyes  as pale as living ice
  • And more of a  looker than a thinker 😛


Things I loved:

  • I liked the way each book in the series begins,  with Mercy drifting, lost in an empty space as she talks to herself, wondering where she will go next (though reminds me much of the first Pokemon movie opening – but that kind of makes it more epic 😛 )
  • Love the character description in these books. So detailed, and thankfully  repeated in each book – helpful since there are a lot of character to remember (also helpful to someone who wishes to draw them like me!Like the description of characters)
  • Love Ryan and Mercy’s relationship, even if in the last book it seems a bit all over the place – like they fight  would and she keeps insisting that she needs to leave him, but nothing really changes between them
  • Love that the angel posed as a Muslim character, even if his actions are quite negative sometimes – at least in terms of what is good human behavior and not in the  perspective of a whole as the angels always see (makes more sense when you read :P)
  • The love between Ryan and mercy seems a little too fast – only two weeks or less and he is willing to follow her around the world
  • So much good images to draw! Scenes are just perfect and visually appealing for someone who wishes to draw more – I think someday if I ever do re-read this book I will create more art on it – but for now only what I have – I would do them now but I feel I wouldn’t be able to do the pieces I have in mind justice with the equipment and skill set I have right now
  • Opening love its repetitive style – reminds me of something from Supergirl or flash


Things that were ehhh… in my opinion 😛

  • It was a little difficult to understand at the beginning – because of the mystery to it (and I’ll admit it was so late when I started this book – my anxiety wouldn’t let me sleep so I lost myself in this  book to help :P)
  • Never does explain whyRyann and Luke look alike
  • Kind of annoyed with ending – I would have loved to see an epilog to see what happens after for her and Ryan, his parent’s response and such
  • So sorry for Lauren
  • Kind of predicted paul’s involvement though
  • Hate that there is such a value on looks in the books though – and it’s not just a vanity thing its overall – looks are important to her it seems.
  • Sad we don’t find out her real name – begins with a ‘H’ – and why is she only girl
  • Would love to have seen more of Ryan’s sister


Fav moment

  • When Ryan stupidly jumps out of Uris arms thinking that mercy is dead – This guy is really a ride or die when he cares for someone

He’d rather be dead because he thinks I must be fall like a stone through the sky

  • Love the scene where Ryan’s in the bath and everyone barges in on him and starts talking about changes as he screams asks what is going onvday


Fav quotes

  • Though I don’t like Luke I agree –

‘memory is power… mercy’

  •  this sounds doctor who ish

‘Death is everything’s final limit – franklin

  • Her argument on free will

‘You’re wrong’ i say ‘uriel, too. Humans exercise free will each and every moment of their waking lives. How do you think Ranald died? He chose to kill himself, which has to be the ultimate expression of one’s free will – the freedom to destroy oneself’

  • When Ryan sees her tears

Are those for me? What happened to the hard ass I fell in love with?



One word – mystery, slow

One sentence – defiantly a book to stick with till the end,  and once you do you won’t regret it 🙂


  • Have you ever been so tired you don’t understand what you’re reading but you read it anyway? Yeah, that was me with this book – but you read it anyway as it is too exciting and when you leave the book it’s all you can think about and you can’t sleep 😛
  • Honestly, I feel sorry for the people who had to wait between books – i think this is a book good read overall because I got my hands on all of the series – but if it were a singular things – I don’t think I would have liked it as much
  • I couldn’t find much on the author which is a  little annoying. I can’t help but feel when reading book that touch religion it is nice to know the writer’s background
  • Slightly predictable – yet not much
  • I like no actual interaction with God, it was weird enough for me, a religious person, to think of Angel in such a way as the book does, romantically.  Especially since the book stick close to the original angels.
  • As I read the second book what happened in the first is starting to make sense as the mystery is unfolding


Spoiler alert – but it must be said:

  • Why does everyone portray death as such a good character – strangely my fav?
  • Justine and Sulaiman – the otp I will wish for even if I know I will never get it


Would I recommend it?



(Note: after writing this, and on the day of posting, I realised that there are actually five books in the series and not four – the fifth was published around the time I read the books but I never found anything on the book release whenever I searched up the series name or author’s name ( I literally only saw it today, i.e the day I publish this, when looking the series up on good reads for a link) – hence why even though I have not completely read the series, I have doing a series review other than an individual review and such)


Make sure to check out my youtube video for this book in my #AReadersView Series

a readers view border

Click here to go to the video ^_^


Youtube tales: cheep acrylics and art fails

day 2 thumbnailCheap art supply challenge: acrylics (Pokemon fan art fail)

Hello readers (^_^)

So I finally decided to play catch up on the last couple of blogs I have missed 😛 and by the last couple I mean almost four weeks of blogs 😛

My apologies for that.  I had not predicted video making to take so much of the day really. Though it really wouldn’t have if I hadn’t experienced technical difficulties as well as wifi problems. For some strange reason, the wifi here keeps fuzzing out every five to ten minutes.

* sigh*

But this month is almost over! so I decided I might as well play catch up and soon I shall have written all that I have missed.


Do note that I am going to avoid talking much about the videos where I have done real time – since they do involve me talking – but if when watching, I feel I may have just been confusing, I shall be sure to write up the post. So get ready for a whole load of blogs 😛

if you are new and just passed upon this blog by chance or slight interest, welcome! in these youtube tale blogs, I go behind the scenes of video making and clarify things I have talked about, and maybe made confusing by my inability to make sense at times.


In today’s blog, I am going to be talking about the cheap art supply challenge I did. Though I talked in the video, I had filmed it really quickly, and so I had missed some things out. So I thought why not add a short blog talking about it. But do check out the video for the images and art piece. Some of the fails I have placed somewhere that I cannot find them and so cannot post full pictures of them, only small screenshots taken from the video.


To start off, know that this video is all over the place.


As mentioned in the video, I had first bought these paints to do a video like my attempting oil paint video, where I tried to use oil paints for the first time. But as I got into the art, I realized I have actually created a piece using acrylics for my final in my art exam. But though I had known at the time there was a difference in paints, I had paid little attention to such. And so I would treat paints all the same in their application, other than watercolors since those we were actually taught… well partially taught.

But I ditched that idea after a comment on my Instagram post previewing a behind the scene shot which questioned if this was a cheap acrylics challenge. And then there and then I decided I would change this video to a cheap acrylics challenge. After all the paints were one pound each and are non-branded.

Then I started on the video, after creating some Pokemon fan art line work as I wished to create some Pokemon art for a while but hadn’t been able too. I saw this video as a chance to do two at once. But it soon became apparent I wasn’t going to be able to do it this time as well…

As I got into the art problems started to occur, leading to three attempts to create art which are the following.

In the first attempt

I drew a Pikachu with a Pokeball:

  • I failed as I did not pay attention to the ink of the pen I used, which bled into the paint.
  • I didn’t blend paint properly,
  • I didn’t use enough water, as I thought they would not need them, making the paint streaky and thick to work with.
  • These paints are awful to create a wide range of colors with – I tried to make brown and it didn’t work
  • I did not pay attention to the fact that I cannot a paint brush steadily and so had gone over my line work and ended up covering the line art – then I had attempted to redo the outlines with the paint and,  again, lost control of the brush.


In my second attempt

Pikachu with a  flower on head:

  • This time I remembered a trick from on of the videos I watched – and that was to mix the paints with water which made the paints less streaky and lumpy, making them easier to work with
  • This time I also worked on blending with a dry brush,  which did the job.
  • this was also going well until I over did it with the paint – then there was no going back and the picture just looked too creepy to continue 😛
  • Instead, I stopped and shifted to the last art of the video

3 (1)

Last attempt was asuccess (^_^) because I ditched the Pokemon fan art idea


  • In this final attempt, I decided to ditch the Pokemon art idea, and stick to something I am more familiar with – roses.
  • This one defiantly turned out better then the others
  • I focused and worked on my blending with a dry brush and added a good ammount of water to the paints so they were not as streaky and lumpy.
  • though this is not entirely as I wished for it – it was good
  • I had some trouble with the background – I had originally wanted and tried to, paint it blue – But then I ruined that as I started to add any loose colors to create a patchy effect.
  • At first, that patchy effect had looked good, but like in the last art, I over did it 😛 – the paper started to break away as I forgot my small a5 mixed sheets are not as durable and think as my a4 ones, which I had used with the previous two pictures, but not this one  as I did not want another piece to go to waster, and I thought maybe having a smaler surface to cover, would help me focus and create a good peice
  • in the video I do a small slide show, I was so into the painting process I lost track of time and created such a long clip that it refused to transfer 😛
  • redid the background with black and gray once it dried – looked good but I wish I had don’t more
  • 😛


As I edited this video, I decided I would add the fails anyway, since in art you get both successes and fails. No need to hide one while only showing the other. So I added all the art process into the video, so do check it out!

More to note on the paints (in case you end up getting your hands on them):

  • these pants are defiantly vibrant and I think I will end up using them gain, after all, I have them now 😛
  • I feel I just have to learn to use  to the best of their ability specifically and figure out what I can and cannot do with them which will only come with practicing more
  • I do wish though, that I could create a more range of colors – hopefully, I can get my hands on some better quality ones in the future which will help create better art.
  • also, these paints would release WAY more paint than I need or am trying to get out which is a problem since then there is always paint left behind which is wasteful :/ I have yet to figure out how to stop that



Final note – on editing:

I wish this was edited better,  but it had been something I had to quickly throw together when my workspace tour did not work out as all the clips did not all transfer.  And even if they did, the clips were too shaky to create a decent video :/


 And that is all for now I guess.  do make sure to check out the video and the free coloring page available here  for the first Pikachu art.


and that is all for now!

this storyteller is out!